A Associação Beneficente Ágape-ABA tem à frente como presidente o Pr. Marcos Antonio Ribeiro, formado em Bacharel em Teologia, técnico em contabilidade e casado com a Sra. Josélia Martins Ribeiro, formada em Teologia e Filosofia pela UFPI. O casal ganhou de DEUS um filho, seu nome é João Victor, que irá completar 21 anos de idade no dia 13/11/21.
Iniciamos o Projeto Social com 70 (setenta) crianças carente em junho/20014, hoje, 13/05/2021, quase dez anos depois, já são 361 crianças, um aumento de pouco mais de 5 vezes a mais no número de crianças assistidas. Temos o desejo de atender muito mais, e para tanto ampliamos nossa estrutura física e mantemos uma lista de espera que cresce a cada dia. Há registro de crianças que estão esperando há mais de um ano para serem matriculadas. Infelizmente não temos como atender a demanda na mesma velocidade de procura. As crianças só são aceitas segundo o programa, até o limite de 3 anos e 11 meses de idade. Uma vez matriculadas, aí serão acompanhadas até os vinte anos de idade.
As crianças recebem acompanhamento de educador físico, pedagogos, fisioterapeuta e técnicos em alimentação. Oferecemos gratuitamente as seguintes oficinas: Ballet, Teclado, Violão, Bateria, Futsal, Alfabetização e Flauta Doce. É servido lanche, almoço e janta. O atendimento às crianças abrange as quatro áreas, ESPIRITUAL, FÍSICA, SÓCIO-EMOCIONAL E COGNITIVO, sem contar que o ciclo completo da criança no projeto é até os 20 anos de idade, isso quer dizer que a criança será acompanhada até completar 20 anos de idade. Queremos pedir em nome de Jesus, que a sociedade de modo geral, os empresário, os profissionais liberais e os irmãos em Cristo espalhados por esse Brasil nos ajude a ampliar o número de crianças atendidas.
VOCÊ QUE PODE AJUDAR AS CRIANÇAS DA ABA: O nosso desejo é alcançar o número de 400 crianças atendidas nos próximos anos, mas para isso precisamos crescer muito em estrutura física, ampliando assim o espaço para nossas crianças. Precisamos de um terreno de no mínimo 200m x 200m para construirmos com complexo educacional para 200 crianças, com quadra poliesportiva, banheiros infantis, salão de reunião, salas de aula e cozinha. Quando Deus nos der esse terreno, iremos pleitear junto a ONG a construção do anexo, podendo levar até dois anos para confirmação do contrato.
VOCÊ QUE PODE AJUDAR AS CRIANÇAS DA ABA: O nosso desejo é alcançar o número de 400 crianças atendidas nos próximos anos, mas para isso precisamos crescer muito em estrutura física, ampliando assim o espaço para nossas crianças. Precisamos de um terreno de no mínimo 200m x 200m para construirmos com complexo educacional para 200 crianças, com quadra poliesportiva, banheiros infantis, salão de reunião, salas de aula e cozinha. Quando Deus nos der esse terreno, iremos pleitear junto a ONG a construção do anexo, podendo levar até dois anos para confirmação do contrato.
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Por favor, enviar comprovante para o email prmarib@hotmail.com ou WhatsApp (86) 99824-1188 para identificarmos o depósito para os devidos lançamentos contábeis.
E-mail: prmarib@hotmail.com
Celular e WhatApp (86) 99824-1184
Contato: Pr. Marcos Antonio Ribeiro
Esposa: Josélia Martins Ribeiro
The Agape-ABA Benefit Association is headed by President Marcos Antonio Ribeiro, a Bachelor of Theology, accounting technician and married to Mrs. Josélia Martins Ribeiro, graduated in Theology and Philosophy from UFPI. The couple won from GOD a son, his name is John Victor, who will turn 17 years old on 11/13/17.
We started the Social Project with 80 (eighty) children in need in June / 20014, today, 09/19/2017, three years later, there are already 200 children, a 150% increase in the number of children assisted. We have the desire to attend much more, it is so much that we already have a large list with many children in a queue. There are records of children who have been waiting for more than a year to enroll. We keep today (19/09/2017) more than 100 children on the waiting list waiting for a vacancy; the demand is too great! Unfortunately we can not meet the demand. Our sadness is to see some children who are already on the waiting list for more than 2 years not being inserted in the Project, because the system only registers children up to five years of age. We have the partnership of Joniel (engineer who lives in Teresina, who presented the ABA with the architectural project, we lack the financial resources to begin construction of two rooms and finish the slab for the dining room and leisure area, front and side, sanitary appliances, a brush in stainless steel for the dental brushing of children and furniture for the rooms (armchairs with arm, white board and splits for the rooms, because the heat is unbearable and the children get very agitated).
The children receive accompaniment from psychologist, physical educator, pedagogues and nutritionists. We offer free of charge the following workshops: Ballet, Keyboard, Guitar, Drums, Futsal, Literacy and Flute. Lunch, lunch and dinner are served. The children's care covers the four areas, PHYSICS, SOCIO-EMOTIONAL, COGNITIVE AND SPIRITUAL, not to mention that the complete cycle of the child in the project is up to the age of 20, this means that the child will be followed up to 20 years of age. age. We want to ask in the name of Jesus that society in general, entrepreneurs, professionals and brothers and sisters in Christ scattered throughout Brazil help us to increase the number of children served.
YOU CAN HELP ABA CHILDREN: Your help will enable us to systematically attend 300 children; is our great dream and the children who are in the queue yearn for that moment. There are children who, because of their advanced age, run the risk of not being enrolled anymore.
We need your partnership in what is undoubtedly the best social project with children, existing in the city of Batalha, Piauí State. We want to do a lot more, but we need your support. HELP US TO BUILD ROOMS FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE BENEFICENT ASSOCIATION ÁGAPE - ABA. You can make your deposit in the account below or mobilize campaigns or donate building materials, such as: Brick, Sand, Cement, Iron, Wood, Hydraulic Materials, Electrical and Sanitary, etc. Share this information with your friends and with your group, so you'll be helping ABA
Help us also by SHARING this LINK with your FRIENDS.
The Agape-ABA Benefit Association is headed by President Marcos Antonio Ribeiro, a Bachelor of Theology, accounting technician and married to Mrs. Josélia Martins Ribeiro, graduated in Theology and Philosophy from UFPI. The couple won from GOD a son, his name is John Victor, who will turn 17 years old on 11/13/17.
We started the Social Project with 80 (eighty) children in need in June / 20014, today, 09/19/2017, three years later, there are already 200 children, a 150% increase in the number of children assisted. We have the desire to attend much more, it is so much that we already have a large list with many children in a queue. There are records of children who have been waiting for more than a year to enroll. We keep today (19/09/2017) more than 100 children on the waiting list waiting for a vacancy; the demand is too great! Unfortunately we can not meet the demand. Our sadness is to see some children who are already on the waiting list for more than 2 years not being inserted in the Project, because the system only registers children up to five years of age. We have the partnership of Joniel (engineer who lives in Teresina, who presented the ABA with the architectural project, we lack the financial resources to begin construction of two rooms and finish the slab for the dining room and leisure area, front and side, sanitary appliances, a brush in stainless steel for the dental brushing of children and furniture for the rooms (armchairs with arm, white board and splits for the rooms, because the heat is unbearable and the children get very agitated).
The children receive accompaniment from psychologist, physical educator, pedagogues and nutritionists. We offer free of charge the following workshops: Ballet, Keyboard, Guitar, Drums, Futsal, Literacy and Flute. Lunch, lunch and dinner are served. The children's care covers the four areas, PHYSICS, SOCIO-EMOTIONAL, COGNITIVE AND SPIRITUAL, not to mention that the complete cycle of the child in the project is up to the age of 20, this means that the child will be followed up to 20 years of age. age. We want to ask in the name of Jesus that society in general, entrepreneurs, professionals and brothers and sisters in Christ scattered throughout Brazil help us to increase the number of children served.
YOU CAN HELP ABA CHILDREN: Your help will enable us to systematically attend 300 children; is our great dream and the children who are in the queue yearn for that moment. There are children who, because of their advanced age, run the risk of not being enrolled anymore.
We need your partnership in what is undoubtedly the best social project with children, existing in the city of Batalha, Piauí State. We want to do a lot more, but we need your support. HELP US TO BUILD ROOMS FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE BENEFICENT ASSOCIATION ÁGAPE - ABA. You can make your deposit in the account below or mobilize campaigns or donate building materials, such as: Brick, Sand, Cement, Iron, Wood, Hydraulic Materials, Electrical and Sanitary, etc. Share this information with your friends and with your group, so you'll be helping ABA
Help us also by SHARING this LINK with your FRIENDS.
Queremos pedir a ajuda do público em geral para (numa redundância), nos ajudar a ajudar muito mais crianças. Convido a todos para conhecerem de perto o melhor projeto social com crianças carentes da cidade de Batalha. Venha tomar um cafezinho com o Pr. Marcos. Teremos o maior prazer em lhe apresentar o Projeto. Em Cristo, Pr. Marcos